I like to think that I'm a constantly evolving creature, learning, growing, and applying more knowledge to my everyday life as a mom, wife, captioner, and friend. I devour research like it's a pan of hot brownies topped with vanilla bean ice cream and hot fudge...
Oh wait... :)
Actually, I'm focusing on real permanent change here. I'm adapting my cooking to what I KNOW suits my body and brain the best. I'm not cutting out all carbs for the rest of my life. I'm not swearing off that decadent pan of freshly baked brownies with ghiardelli chocolate, topped with blue bell vanilla ice cream and some kind of thick and rich dark chocolate hot fudge. I'm not swearing off amazingly delicious red wine or top shelf tequilas either. But i am learning to eat to live, not live to eat. That requires me to consider with every bite, Will this make me more or less healthy?
I have come a long way in my quest to not let mirrors and scales dictate my state of mind and well being, but rather focus on doing. Doing things that make me feel strong - things that actually make me strong. I am focusing on balance with work, family, and sleep. I feel healthy, and I do truly believe that as long as I keep moving more than sitting, eating right (hello, paleo!), sleeping when it's dark, and loving every minute I get to spend with those I love, that this human body of mine will eventually obey common laws of physiology and shrink into a more fit and compact package.
I have decided to commit to drive to Colorado springs once a week to learn and participate in crossfit. That style of full-body, intense workout is right up my alley. The people are awesome, and there is a real sense of community. For a brief moment during my first WOD, I actually forgot that I was a 60-70 pound overweight mom to six. In that moment, I was reaching deep within the core of my being to finish what I started - even if it killed me. I was strong and it was amazing. I want that feeling every day for the rest of my life, and I know that xfit will do that.