I've always known and believed that goals are dreams with deadlines -- but I think that's been half of my problem. My visualizer has been kind of broken lately. I'm in a size 16 jeans, at least 60lbs overweight, and mentally stuck. I cannot imagine losing ALL of the weight. I cannot picture what my body would and could look like when I follow through. In my mind, I'm the fat mom because I've let myself down so many times with setting goals, really BELIEVING in them, but somehow not following through time and time again. In my mind, I'm stuck. I look at size 6 jeans and think.. HA. My body isn't built like that. I have all of this negative thinking that I need to rid myself of and really, truly believe in the power to change.
But honestly, I'm not quite sure how to do that anymore. So I'm here. I'm trusting the process and putting it all out there and I'm along for the ride -- however bumpy and tough it is. And I'm reaching out for help, support, encouragement, and accountability. I don't just need it when I'm HERE, because when I'm HERE, I'm dialed in and doing well. It's when I'm not here that I'm slipping. It's when I slack one day that I start the downward descent. I need help to stay the course and not give up and have to start over for the 5,792,845th time.
Here are three goals that I'm going to read and visualize daily:
1.) By my youngest son's 1st birthday (June 15), I will be rid of at least 35lbs of body fat, putting me at 175 and size 11 jeans. At 5'9", this will still be a little overweight, but not obese!! This will be a great starting point for the next challenge!
2.) Instead of greasy fast food, I'll have healthy fast food if I do truly run out of time. I have a bunch of boxes of Right Light begging to be drank, and I will! Fast food is not who I want to write the future tale of my children's health, so I will not set that example anymore!
3.) I will make time for 30 minutes of exercise a day. Period. No excuses. I can find 30 minutes even if I do have six kids, two dogs, a cat, two horses, overtime work, and a messy house. I NEED to find time for exercise so that I can keep up with all of these things. Bill has proven that 30 minutes a day can not only be effective, but can change your life! I'll put it to the test!
I think I can. I think I can. I think I can. I think I can!
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